McKinley and her sisters

Atlanta Piano & Vocal Scholarships

HAPCO has partnered with Dana Rice Music in Atlanta to provide private lessons to students. Dana Rice teaches piano and voice for ages four to adult. She focuses on making learning fun, relevant and engaging while teaching critical life skills including self-discipline, focus, tenacity and communication. Infused throughout her programs are the key concepts that talent is a responsibility and an individual’s art makes them a business. Rice is a singer/songwriter who delivers velvet vocals over soulful vibes with heart-hitting lyrics. 

Our first scholarship recipient is eight-year-old McKinley M., the youngest of triplets. She aspires to a career in the entertainment industry and loves music. She and her sisters have been taking vocal coaching from Dana Rice Music for over a year. McKinley also has a passion and natural talent for piano. She has had a couple of years of trained piano, but has not had any actual lessons for two years. She and her sisters idolize The McClain Sisters; possibly one day she could play the piano for her and her sisters’ musical group.

HAPCO is proud to help fund the McKinley sisters’ dreams of entertaining professionally as a group. For further information about vocal and piano training scholarships in Atlanta, please contact HAPCO.