
Creating Opportunity

HAPCO’s educational programs help young people in Central Florida further their education through music and the arts. We assist youth, particularly in low-income communities, who are aspiring to a career in the arts as well as those using their talents to fund their higher education. Since 2001, our non-profit foundation has worked to instill in young people a passion for excellence in all facets of their lives.

Paying It Forward

Youth receive instruction and insights from our strong network of educators and mentors who develop and teach our programs. They include university-level educators, professional musicians and artists, and first and second generation Florida Highwaymen painters. Our program curricula include core theory and technique training, alongside practical information including career options, technical tools and real-world application of skill sets.

Community Impact

Through our Kenneth R. Tolbert Scholarship Fund, HAPCO creates programs and projects to impact young people in our community – opening their eyes to the possibilities the arts offer them as individuals. We also serve our communities’ young-at-heart senior citizens, with special programs that encourage active senior living. We assist both individuals and community programs. Our events are tailored to unite the Central Florida community through music and the arts.

Our Mission:

Building futures through music, art and education

CLICK HERE to learn more about HAPCO’s programs and partnership opportunities.


HAPCO MUSIC | jazz band clinics + camps | instrument donation | drum line | studio + production | vocals | private lessons | Music Heals wellness

HAPCO ARTS | photography | culinary | video | painting | digital arts | robotics

HAPCO LIVE | program alumni and partners perform at community venues and events

With the assistance of our programs, young people in our community are improving their lives – using their artistic and musical talents to shape a better future. They are focusing their energies upon honing their talent, doing better in school – and realizing they have the opportunity to go to college.

The majority of HAPCO’s programs take arts and music education to the neighborhoods of at-risk and disadvantaged young people in Orlando, with an emphasis upon West Orange County. Our targeted areas have an average annual household income less than $25,000; typically, over 75% of their populations are minorities.

These communities have limited physical and/or financial access to arts and music education services and resources. Primary obstacles to participation are limited financial means and lack of transportation.

Our programs help to fill the void of arts and music educational resources outside the school system, which offers limited programing. Programs are conducted in locations central to these neighborhoods. They also connect young people with professionals who are committed to helping these young musicians and artists succeed in life. We emphasize mentoring by industry professionals, giving young people inroads into community networks. The majority of our instructors have overcome economic and social challenges to forge a path of success for their lives. Many of the Florida Highwaymen art group, first and second generation, teach clinics and paint parties, and share their stories of how they creatively persevered through socially-turbulent times.

HAPCO programs are offered typically free of charge, and are designed to empower growth and development in creative fields. Some programs, such as Jazz Band Camp, require a nominal cost that helps cover program costs.

Our Impact in the Community

HAPCO offers programs that give students real-world experience and mentoring from professionals they can relate to. Our educators focus upon practical advice, from the business side of the arts and music industries, to best practices for using the arts and music to fund secondary education.

We actively pursue community and local business connections to establish programs and events that benefit and promote all partners. We use this social capital to offer the strongest educational programs and community-focused events possible.

We emphasize “paying it forward” – we practice and teach the benefits of sharing expertise and experience, as well as of being good community corporate citizens.

Community support makes our programs possible. We align ourselves with partners who relish the opportunities to mentor the next generations in artistic expression and appreciation. Supporters can help us by: donating, sponsoring, volunteering and attending our events.



Jazz in the Center

Monthly community events in the town of Oakland, Florida.

Oakland Art & Heritage Center

Exhibits and programs.

Board of Directors

Joseph P. McMullen
HAPCO Chairman, Wellcare
no photo available
Lake Apopka Natural Gas District
Wycliffe Gordon
Professional Musician
no photo available
James Harris Consultant
no photo available
City of Miami Mayor Office
no photo available
Hewlett-Packard (Retired)
Scott Wilson
Director of Jazz Studies, University of Florida
Kenneth R. Tolbert
In Memorial (1945-2012)


It is individual acts of caring that change lives. HAPCO Founder Joseph Patrick McMullen knows this first-hand.Joseph Patrick McMullen and Kenneth Tolbert

“I will never forget one of the greatest men I have ever had the privilege to be inspired by. My senior year in high school, I was excited for my future. I had been accepted to the Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy. I was going to make my mom proud, and show her that her hard work as a single mother had paid off.

Financial aid was critical to my dream, and mine was not yet approved. Seemingly unrelated, I played baritone horn in the school’s band. One day, I mentioned to my Band Director, Mr. Kenneth Tolbert, my concerns over my financial aid. He said, ‘Son, you go to FAMU, and if your financial aid does not come through, call me, and I will take care of the situation.’

In his direct, steady way, he opened a world of confidence with just a few words. I did receive financial aid, but I believe I became a pharmacist because I played baritone horn in my high school band, and an incredible person believed in me.”

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